Monday, April 9, 2018

Imagine for a moment it was the Obama Organization that sent this letter

Let's assume for a moment former President Obama was still in office and he was the owner of a real estate business called the Obama Organization. What would have been the conservative response if that organization sent a letter to a foreign president with a request to intervene on the organization's behalf?Sean Hannity's head would have exploded. The meth-head skinny blonde chick would have penned yet another idiotic blog post about how Obama was destroying this country's reputation with our allies. Fox News would have run a non-stop talking head session about Obama's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and how they were hellbent on implementing Sharia Law worldwide.

Now read this story from the Washington Post. 

That hypothetical situation above actually occurred.

"Lawyers representing President Trump’s company wrote directly to the president of Panama last month, asking him to intervene in a legal dispute over the Trump International Hotel in the capital."

Do you need to read that again?

"Lawyers representing President Trump’s company wrote directly to the president of Panama last month, asking him to intervene in a legal dispute over the Trump International Hotel in the capital."

Think about what just happened.

The Trump Organization basically just threatened another foreign nation.

"Act on our behalf or Donald Trump will retaliate," the letter would read if you had a secret decoder ring.

You thought mocking the disabled was bad? You thought bragging about sexual assault was bad? You thought calling a deaf woman a retard was bad?

Maybe you didn't.

Surely, you can't believe the President of the United States would allow an organization bearing his name to directly reach out to the president of a foreign nation asking for help in a business matter.

Or can you?

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