The Trumps have commenced pimping out the presidency. Well done, America. You certainly have made her great again!
I remember a time not too long ago when my "conservative" friends circulated a photo on Facebook expressing their anger that President Obama was desecrating the office of the presidency by putting his feet up on the desk.
Yes, they were outraged the black man would soil our nation's highest office, Never mind there were photos of nearly every other president before Obama doing the same thing. They were damned mad and it had nothing to do with Obama's race. Well, at least they said it didn't.
Now, just imagine how angry they're going to be when they hear the Trump family is selling access to the new president through a non-profit foundation they created earlier this month. For $1,000,000, you can buy access to the president!
Don't worry, the foundation claims those donations will benefit "conservation" charities. I'm not sure if they intended for that claim to read, "conservative" charities or "conservation" charities. They throw that word "conservative" out there to attract people who believe they're conservative, but when it comes down to it all that means is they're racist and bigoted, because unlike conservatives, who want less governmental control of our lives and less legislation infringing upon our rights, they're all for creating new laws to prevent people from doing things they don't agree with, such as gay marriage and abortion, two things ruled Constitutional by our Supreme Court.
"Prospective million-dollar donors to the “Opening Day 2017” event — slated for Jan. 21, the day after inauguration, at Washington, D.C.’s Walter E. Washington Convention Center — receive a “private reception and photo opportunity for 16 guests with President Donald J. Trump,” a “multi-day hunting and/or fishing excursion for 4 guests with Donald Trump, Jr. and/or Eric Trump, and team,” as well as tickets to other events and “autographed guitars by an Opening Day 2017 performer.”"A million bucks...that's a heck of a deal to gain access to a president who has proven to be willing to accommodate anyone with money.
To think, a few months ago Trump supporters were chanting "Lock Her Up," because they believed Hillary Clinton was crooked and they hated the fact that she was "selling access," which of course was a theory based on no evidence at all. But, when did facts matter to these idiots?
Enjoy the next four years folks. I hope Trump and the Republicans do everything they promised. We deserve it.
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