Monday, October 31, 2016

Sorry, but I'm not at Standing Rock

Sorry, I can't check in at Standing Rock on Facebook. Not today.
I'm sure by now you've all seen somebody on your Facebook timeline who "checked in" at the Standing Rock Indian Reservation to support the protesters opposed to the North Dakota Access Pipeline.

While I applaud those who show their support, I just can't do it. Not today.

Nah, today I'm feeling very apathetic toward social causes. That's due mainly to this upcoming election and the support for Donald Trump. 

This isn't a Republican vs. Democrat issue. I'm an independent who currently would like to see Republicans pay the price for their obstruction over the past eight years and for the legitimization of Donald Trump.

I believe we all should do our part to fight for what is right. I typically do. Sometimes to a fault.

But, today I feel helpless and I'm fed up with the uphill battle we face in addressing so many of these issues.

I have "liked" the posts I saw where my friends checked in to show their support. I really do appreciate their efforts.

Maybe tomorrow I'll check in....maybe not.

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