Thursday, August 24, 2017

Let's end the idiotic argument over National Anthem protests

A couple more points on this idiotic National Anthem controversy.

1. Yesterday, I saw a Facebook post from a guy whose profile picture is the (Willoughby South) Rebel mascot (confederate soldier) that said the kneeling protest hasn't done anything for the cause.

Uh, he must not have noticed all the Civil War monuments being taken down? He must not have noticed the high schools dropping Confederate Soldier mascots and flags, including the one he is protesting by using the Rebel mascot as his Facebook profile picture.

Yes, the protests have sparked debate. The protests have sparked a much bigger protest and has led to many people FINALLY realizing how idiotic it is to honor the losing side in the Civil War.

2. I can't help but feel that this is mostly a racial issue. I go back to the Berkshire parents who were so angry at the Richmond Heights parents who didn't stand for the National Anthem. Then, a couple weeks later I'm at Berkshire and shoot video of the student section...only to see two of the kids whose parents complained goofing off during the anthem.

I see very few African Americans complaining about the protests while most of my white Facebook acquaintances don't like it.

I wonder if this passage said Christians instead of slaves if they'd feel the same way?

"No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,"

Let's rewrite it:
"No refuge could save the Christian
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,"
"No refuge could save the Italian
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,"
Get the picture?

3. Finally, the people who complain about the protests always say how important the anthem is and how much it means to our freedom and how disrespectful it is to those who have served and who are currently serving. stupid is that?

You want to show respect to those who served and are serving? Treat them right. Pay them more than minimum wage.

Provide quality healthcare while they're serving and after.

The disrespect to our military comes from all of us. You want to complain? Complain to your legislators that we're not doing enough for our service members.

Singing 1/4 of a song before a football game isn't enough, nor is tying a yellow ribbon on a tree.

Finally, if that song is so important, why do we sing just 1/4 of it?

What about the other three stanzas?

How about this...let's cut out the want to be racist, there are plenty of other ways to do it. You don't have to use a song to mask your beliefs.

Let's address the underlying issues that prompted the protest.

Either that...or start singing it at work and at weddings and at church and picnics and parties.
It's either important enough for those events or it isn't. Arguing otherwise reveals a lot about you.

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