Thursday, April 25, 2019

So long remission

I wasn't going to say anything until next week when we had more details but for Paulette Hare's sake, I'll go ahead and let everyone know so she doesn't have to field any more phone calls as word starts to spread.

After almost 10 years, my remission is over.

I had a PET scan on Monday that revealed cancer in my lymph nodes.

Tomorrow morning, I'll have a surgical biopsy to remove one of the swollen lymph nodes in my neck (I hope while they're in there they take a few more and hopefully that will relieve the migraine headache I've had since December).

Once we receive the actual diagnosis of the strain of cancer present--Dr. Friedman believes it's the same Mantle Cell Lymphoma as before, but we won't know until the biopsy comes back--then we'll begin treatment.

Surgery is scheduled for 8:15 a.m., hopefully, I'll be able to report everything went well at some point later in the afternoon.

I'm very confident the surgeon will do a great job. I creeped on her bio on the UH website and she graduated from Notre Dame (she then went to UCONN's medical school, but I won't hold that against her).

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