Thursday, November 3, 2016

Trump supporters really are entertaining until you realize they're real people walking among us

Kim Davis has nothing to do with this blog post. She just happened to be the subject of the Facebook comment I'm going to share.

Donald Trump is a moron. We know this.

His supporters are worse.

For every seemingly sane person supporting Trump there are 30 others who are bat shit crazy. 

Kim Davis, remember her? She was the Kentucky clerk who went to jail for refusing to sign marriage certificates for same sex couples.

Thousands and thousands of dollars were raised for Mrs. Davis and now she apparently doesn't want to pay her court fees.

That's all besides the point here.

My point is based on the Facebook comment I saw from a Trump supporter regarding this issue:

What the $*#@!*#@ is wrong with this person?

Let's  break down this idiot's statement:
"Davis was trying to do her job and exercise her religious liberty at the same time which is protected under the constitution."
No, Davis refused to do her job. That's why she ended up in jail.
"Gay marriage is a made up right that was never given under the constitution. Until Obama needed gay money to win a second term."
First, she's right. Gay marriage isn't a right granted in the Constitution, but neither is straight marriage.

What this frickin' idiot doesn't understand is that the 14th amendment grants equal protection of ALL citizens on any right, Constitutional or otherwise.

In other words, if white people are granted the right to marry, Asian-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, African-American sand everyone else has the right to marry.

If straight people are granted the right to marry then the 14th amendment protects the right for all other citizens to marry.

That isn't debatable. Equal protection means the rights apply to EVERYONE.

Finally, what the heck did Obama's second term have to to with the Supreme Court striking down anti-gay marriage laws?

That's the problem with this psychopaths, their stupidity blinds them from reality.
"Freedom of religion has been around since the beginning."
Ummm, huh? The beginning of what? Freedom of Religion has been around since the signing of the Constitution of the United States of America. The world was around long before that happened and this idiot certainly doesn't understand that freedom of religion wasn't a thing.
"I see that she did nothing wrong. Why would she even have a bill?"
The law disagrees, but don't let that stop you from being a moron.
"You cannot separate my religious freedom from the STATE. IT is a guaranteed right which the state must comply with. (that was in response to someone who said we must have separation of church and state."
Your religion has nothing to do with the state. The law is the law. The United States is a democracy based on laws, not scripture, not the bible, not Sharia Law. Your religion is what you practice in your home or place of worship.


Then I remember she's a Trump supporter and a crazy right-winger and it becomes very real. These people are all the same. No exceptions. They're damn scary.

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